It's that time again! :) Today I'm sharing a very special handmade item! :) Hope you enjoy!!
While I was on etsy the other day, a new listing from one of my favorite shops caught my attention. It's a vintage baby quilt and it is ADORABLE! The reason I noticed it is because it looked really similar to mine that I had when I was little. My old blanket went everywhere with me when I was little. I was kind of like pigpen since I looked like a raggin' muffin. haha I had wild curly hair (that I didn't like to be brushed) and I didn't like to wear clothes either. I was slighty difficult to say the least. :) Anyways back to the blanket. It started out as a receiving blanket from Mary Hart (one of Grandma and Grandpa's close friends, who was like a Grandma to my Mom). They came down to Florida from Ohio when I was born, and she gave it to me then. I loved on it so much it started getting holes in it. So before it started getting too threadbare, my Grandma pieced a new one together for me to drag around using solid pink flannel and some pink rabbit printed flannel fabric along with my the receiving blanket.
When I was about 4, I accidentally left it at Zayre's on 9 Mile Road, and unfortunately we didn't know I had left it there for a few days. So by the time we called to see if they had found it, it had already been thrown away. :( I know, sad right? I wish I had a picture of the original blanket to put on here. But, Mom and I looked through a bunch of old pictures last night (while laughing hysterically at some of them; let's just say I was a very chunky child and looked like a boy for awhile haha), and we didn't find any pictures of that blanket. If we find one I'll be sure to add it! :)
Well ever since then I've always wanted to "replace" that blanket, and we've found some cute ones, but there never was one quite like "my" blanket. Fast forward to a few years ago, and my sweet Grandma (who was the best pack rat ever) gave my mom a little box with some scraps in it to take home one day. This was after she had had her stroke and was I think trying to go through certain things at her house to make sure they didn't get misplaced, thrown away or given to the wrong person. Anyways, these little scraps were the remnants from when she had made my first blanket. She had started piecing them back together for me so I could eventually have my blanket back!
Here they are! :)
Anyways, so Mom sent these to me last Monday so I could compare it to the blanket on etsy. It wasn't an exact match by any means, but it was cute and the color palette was close enough for me.
Well last Wednesday, Mom emailed me when I was headed to the tanning bed and Zumba and asked if I could stop by her house. She said she had made me something and was SUPER EXCITED to give it to me. I was thinking to myself, either she did something with those blanket scraps or she made something for Mildred. (haha, Mildred is our dress form that we use for our photos!) ;)
When I got there I was so excited to get this:

Mom worked on it all day last Wednesday and basically recreated my old blanket from those scraps Grandma had saved and some other baby fabric that she had saved to one day recreate it. How CUTE is it? I LOVE it so much more than any I could have ever bought because not only did my Mom put it together for me, but it also has my Mom's stitching on it, and all the pieces that my Grandma sewed as well. :) It's very special to me, and hopefully my future children won't be like me and leave it in a department store. ;)

That story is just as sweet as the blanket! (If it makes you feel any better, I was a ragga muffin too!) How awesome that your grandma had been trying to remake your quilt and that your mother finished it. What are the chances?! Thanks for linking with Air Your Laundry Friday! xo Jami
This is Beth's mom, and I wanted to thank you for the sweet comment. We were so sad when the first blanket was lost. Zayre's THREW IT AWAY! But we are so thankful that my mom kept the few pieces of the original blanket. My mom, Bless her heart!, was a pack rat and kept everything. Thank God! Thanks again and hope you are having a great evening!
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